When you look at price tags, it can be daunting. But there are a few things you can do to make it easier to save up for your needed upgrades. One of the first things to do is take a look at all your subscriptions, and other small things you pay for on a regular basis. Go through each item and decide if it is a business want or a business need. If there are a few things you could cut out, then add that money up that you would have spent for the next month, and put it towards your goal for gear.
Start by taking a small percentage of your session fee and putting it towards gear overhead and upgrades. If you start out with only like 10% and your fee is $350, then that’s an extra $35 per shoot that can now go towards your new purchase.
Keep in mind that you need gear upgrades, electronics can depreciate quickly. If you sell your old gear when you get new gear, you’re more likely to get a decent return.
Follow sale trends. For example older computers and devices will go down in value right after a new model is released. Black Friday is a popular time for electronics sales as well.
Don’t be afraid to pay full price. For high-end gear, sometimes you just have to pay the price, but it will make you value it more. Budget for the gear you want and need, so you can buy it without remorse.
This was originally published in The House of Flynn Magazine, Issue 02.